Thursday, September 11, 2014

Working At Rosie Assoulin SS 2015

Yesterday at the Rosie Assoulin fashion show, we had so much fun with the hair. To complement her beautiful designs, Orlando Pita had us follow him in creating a rough, twisted knot. Why is it that messy hair is never easy as it looks to recreate?

This hairstyle was about being messy, loopy and hitting the back of the neck. Most importantly, it should NOT look like a bun. To prep the hair, we use a variety of products from “Beauty’s Most Wanted List” from Orlando’s hair care line…Lift and Plump, Straight 72 and Revive Dry Shampoo which were all amazing to work with!

All products are available at:
Orlando Pita Hair

On another note, as I moved from model to model, one of them asked me, “Where are you from?” I replied, “Trinidad,” and she screamed, “Trini!!” I had the lucky pleasure of meeting Trinidadian-born model, Akua Williams.

 Here’s a short video we made, paying tribute to all our beloved “Trinis” back home.


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