Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Golden Globes & the Widespread Judging of Women

The definition of beauty according to is, "The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind..."

Knowing this I want to address the fast growing epidemic of intense, public judgement regarding a celebrity's appearance. This is especially true during an award ceremony like the Golden Globes, where the country goes crazy critiquing and comparing these women to each other.

For example, I found Halle Berry's entrance on the red carpet stunning.
However, she was labelled as one of the worst dressed…but by whose standards, the Fashion Police?
I would hate to one day think I looked beautiful, and then have a group of strangers ridicule me. I would feel horrible!! Well let's get back to them a little later.

I started thinking, when did this madness start? I know for a fact that it was not always this way. Once upon a time viewers would gather around their TVs, excited to see their favorite celebrity in a glamourous gown, looking like a queen. It was fun to live vicariously through them.

These days, I dread hearing the messages that the press and social media outlets blare across the airwaves. Pulling apart these beautiful women one by one, critiquing their dresses, hair and makeup, it's become a vicious sport. With big money at stake, magazines outdo each other, displaying their thoughts on who looked the worst. In other words, if you happen to wear something that you feel comfortable and beautiful in, but the powers that be disagree, you need to be prepared to be shamed on a global stage.

One of the most popular "critiquing shows" is Fashion Police.
It baffles me as to why a beautiful young woman like Kelly Osbourne would want to sit on a panel with Joan Rivers and deliver negativity dressed up as positive feedback. Can you imagine if the show only offered positive feedback such as the latest trends around fabrics, makeup, hair and designer clothing? I believe they would still make money from advertising, etc.

Let's support these women by acknowledging their achievements and not just their wardrobe and hair!

I think that the producers behind shows like Fashion Police should reevaluate their presence and decide if they want to actually help or hurt...

Here is what Lady Gaga had to say about Fashion Police

""I have empathy for you Kelly, but I feel it culturally important to note that you have chosen a less compassionate path," Gaga writes in her letter, which can be read here in full. "Your work on E! with the Fashion Police is rooted in criticism, judgment, and rating people's beauty against one another. 'Appearance' is the most used reason for bullying in the world. Your show breeds negativity, and over the years has even become comedic in nature. It glorifies you and Joan Rivers pointing in the camera, laughing, and making jokes about artists and celebrities as if we are zoo animals. What about your body revolution? It used to make me truly sad when I would hear people talk about your weight when you were younger, as I was bullied too. To see you blossoming into a beautiful slender woman who makes fun of others for a living is astounding. Why not help others? Why not defend others who are bullied for their image and share your story?"


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